

András Schiff、Andras Schiff



英国籍匈牙利裔钢琴家和指挥家。 简介Biography 安德拉斯·席夫(匈牙利语:Schiff András,1953年12月21日-),英国籍匈牙利裔钢琴家和指挥家,他演奏的作品赢得过多项国际大奖。 安得拉斯·席夫1953年生于布达佩斯,自幼接受音乐及钢琴教育。他经常受邀在萨尔兹堡音乐节中演出,其小提琴家妻子YuukoShiokawa也在当地莫扎特音乐院。他对室内乐富有热情,1989年在萨尔兹堡附近的蒙德西创设自己的音乐节。他的唱片赢得许多知名大奖,其演奏以精致品味和透彻的结构著称,这种特性使他演奏的巴赫作品(以现代钢琴演奏)成为别树一格的盛事。他被认为是古尔德之后,最具权威性的巴赫诠释者。 生平 席夫出生于匈牙利布达佩斯的一个犹太人家庭。他从5岁起开始跟随私人教师学习钢琴,随后进入弗朗茨·李斯特音乐学院(Franz Liszt Academy of Music)继续学习音乐。1974年,席夫前往伦敦,师从音乐家乔治·马尔科姆(George Malcolm)学习钢琴。1975年,席夫参加了利兹国际钢琴比赛(Leeds International Pianoforte Competition),最终进入了决赛名单。1979年,席夫试图从匈牙利移民至美国。由于长期的出国演出访问,他没能获得美国国籍。1987年,席夫获得了奥地利国籍,并在英国的伦敦和萨尔茨堡购置了房产。2001年,他获得英国国籍。席夫现在与妻子盐川悠子(塩川 悠子)在伦敦和意大利佛罗伦萨两地居住。 成就 席夫录音中最显赫的成就,应是莫扎特奏鸣曲,以及与小提琴大师、教育家兼指挥家魏格(SandorVegh)合作的协奏曲集。这是席夫与魏格一段长期而紧密合作关系之下的成果。也许有些爱乐者没注意到,席夫和魏格曾是演奏会二重奏的搭档,而且他们曾为日本Decca录制了一套光采非凡的贝多芬小提琴奏鸣曲全集。他们合作的莫扎特协奏曲集中,一老一少两位大师,把成熟与活泼的音乐观点融合一气,充满创意、深度和浓厚的情感,以及接近莫扎特喜歌剧般的气质。这种水乳交融的互动,可说音乐史上少有人能匹。本专辑收录的莫扎特奏鸣曲C大调K.545和D大调K.576,虽是小曲子,却就是这样将世界的戏剧性封包在音乐中,各角色自由而逻辑井然地呈现。席夫与魏格的长期合作与相处,很有趣地促成一个更大规模的计画,那就是席夫兼任钢琴和指挥,演出全套莫扎特钢琴协奏曲。因为,如同他在1999年萨尔兹堡莫扎特过所告诉我的,他已很难想象如何去与别的指挥家合作演奏莫扎特。无怪乎,他已组织了一个属于他的管弦乐团“CappellaAndreaBarca”,由一群饱富经验的演奏家朋友组成。现在已很难得听到一个由钢琴家同时演奏和指挥的莫扎特协奏曲,如此生气盎然、充满阳光又具有莫扎特所特有的玩趣。 摘自:https://www.sin80.com/artist/andras-schiff

English Introduction

András Schiff (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɒndraːʃ ˈʃifː]; born 21 December 1953) is a Hungarian-born British classical pianist and conductor, who has received numerous major awards and honors, including the Grammy Award, Gramophone Award, Mozart Medal, andRoyal Academy of Music Bach Prize, and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in her 2014 Birthday Honours for services to music. He is also known for his public criticism of political movements in Hungary and Austria. Schiff was born in Budapest into a Jewish family, the only child of two Holocaust survivors. He began piano lessons at age five, studying at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest with Elisabeth Vadász, then with Pál Kadosa and Ferenc Rados. Of Rados, Schiff said, “There was never a positive word from him. Everything was bad, horrible. But it instilled a healthy attitude, an element of doubt.” Among his classmates were renowned concert pianists Zoltán Kocsis andDezső Ránki. He then studied in London with George Malcolm, a pioneer in the use of period keyboard instruments; Schiff made a recording with Malcolm of four-hand music by Mozart using a fortepiano that once belonged to the composer. He also studied piano and chamber music with György Kurtág. Schiff was a finalist in the Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition in 1974 and third prize winner of the Leeds International Pianoforte Competition in 1975. He emigrated from Hungary in 1979. He was unable to meet residency requirements for US citizenship due to his long absences for touring and accepted Austrian citizenship in 1987 and established homes in London and Salzburg. From 1989 until 1998, Schiff was Artistic Director of the "Musiktage Mondsee" chamber music festival near Salzburg. In 1995, he co-founded the "Ittinger Pfingstkonzerte" in Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland, together with the famed oboist Heinz Holliger. From 2004 to 2007 he was Artist in Residence of the Kunstfest Weimar. In the 2007–08 season he was Pianist in Residence of the Berlin Philharmonic. In 2011–12 he was one of the "Perspectives Artists" of Carnegie Hall. In 1999, he formed an occasional chamber orchestra, which he named the Cappella Andrea Barca, with the name coming from an Italian translation of his last name (Barca and Schiff both mean "boat"), although he has provided a humorous pseudo-biography of the fictional Barca. He has appeared as a conductor with several major orchestras, including regular appearances with Philharmonia Orchestra in London and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe, and recent ones with the San Francisco Symphony and Los Angeles Philharmonic. Schiff is one of the most renowned interpreters of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert and Schumann. In the 21st century, he has renounced the use of the sustain pedal when playing Bach. His many recordings for the Decca label include much of the keyboard music of Bach, music of Domenico Scarlatti, Ernst von Dohnányi, Johannes Brahms, and Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the complete piano sonatas of Mozart and Schubert, and the complete piano concertos of Felix Mendelssohn with Charles Dutoit and of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (with the Camerata Academica Salzburg led by Sándor Végh. His recordings for the Teldec label include the complete Beethoven piano concertos with the Staatskapelle Dresden led by Bernard Haitink and the complete piano concertos of Béla Bartók with the Budapest Festival Orchestra led by Iván Fischer, as well as solo works by Haydn, Brahms, and others. Notable recordings for the ECM label include music of Janáček and Sándor Veress, major works of Schubert and Beethoven using a period fortepiano, and live recordings of all of Beethoven's piano sonatas, made in Zurich. He gave a series of lecture-recitals on the complete Beethoven sonatas in London. His live concert recordings for ECM also include his second traversals of the Bach Partitas and Goldberg Variations. For G. Henle, he provided fingerings for new editions of Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier (published in 2006) and fingerings and missing cadenzas for a new edition of the Mozart piano concertos (begun in 2007). Schiff is married to the violinist Yūko Shiokawa. The couple have residences in London and Florence, Italy. The awards that Schiff has won include a 1990 Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Soloist Performance (without orchestra) – English Suites by Bach; a 1990Gramophone Award for a Schubert recital with Peter Schreier; the Bartók Prize in 1991; the Claudio Arrau Memorial Medal in 1994; the Kossuth Prize in 1996; theLéonie Sonning Music Prize in 1997; honorary membership in the Beethoven House in Bonn, awarded in 2006 for his complete recording of Beethoven's piano sonatas; the Italian prize, Premio della critica musicale Franco Abbiati, also for his Beethoven cycle in 2007; also in 2007, the Royal Academy of Music Bach Prize, sponsored by the Kohn Foundation, awarded to "an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the performance and/or scholarly study of Johann Sebastian Bach"; the Wigmore Hall Medal in 2008; also in 2008, the Klavier-Festival Ruhr Prize, for outstanding pianistic achievement; the Robert Schumann Prize of the City of Zwickau in 2011; and in January 2012, the Golden Mozart Medal of the International Stiftung Mozarteum (of which there have been only four previous winners in 70 years). He has been made an Honorary Professor by music academies in Budapest, Detmold and Munich and is a Special Supernumerary Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford University. He is a Fellow of the Royal Northern College of Music. In December 2013, the Royal Philharmonic Society awarded him its Gold Medal. He was created a Knight Bachelor in the Queen's Birthday Honours list of 2014, for services to music. from:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A1s_Schiff'>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A1s_Schiff