标题 | 时长 |
1. 上苍保佑吃完了饭的人民 (God Bless Those Who'd Been Fed Well) | 5:44 |
2. 冷暖自知 (You Know What) | 3:59 |
3. 蚂蚁 蚂蚁 (The Ant) | 3:57 |
4. 和大伙儿去乘凉 (Rest in the Shades) | 4:23 |
5. 爱情 (Love) | 4:24 |
6. 孤独的人是可耻的 (Shameful Being Left Alone) | 4:24 |
7. 苍蝇 (Flies) | 4:34 |
8. 赵小姐 (Ms. Zhao) | 3:45 |
9. 厕所和床 (Toilet And Bed) | 2:33 |
10. 光明大道 (The Bright Way) | 3:33 |